CodeLockAVR - electronic combination lock with AT90S2313 by Rudi Šlejkovec,
CodeLock electronic combination lock is realised with Atmel AVR microcontroller AT90S2313. Program in hex code is 2 kB long. User code is consisted of 1 to 4 digits. If the code is entered in the correct sequence, then after 1 second the relay and the electric striker (in the door) switch on for 1 second and then switch off again. User code can be changed via 3x4 matrix keypad. Keypad can be bought at local electronic shop. Initial user code (1234) is set up with a jumper. The jumper must be inserted before the voltage (12V) connection. The jumper must be removed after 2 beeps. | 
LCD display is an option!
Signaling Each pressed key is immediately confirmed with one short beep. Two short beeps follow after entering the right user code. One long beep appears when entering the wrong user code. The keypad is blocked for 20 seconds for each incorrect action. User code is retained even in the event of a power failure. You can use a LED diode instead of a Beeper. Look at the code lock electric circuit diagram. The third row of the keypad (numbers 7, 8 and 9) can be unpluged. In that way you get 3x3 matrix keypad. If the additional row (the second one) of the keypad is also unpluged you get 3x2 matrix keypad. In that way you can use only: 1, 2, 3, *, 0 and # keys.
In short:
1. OPENING (For the first time): 1 2 3 4 # The relay is being activated for 1 second.
2. WRITING YOUR CODE (For the first time): * 1 2 3 4 # 5 5 1 0 # For opening the door press: 5 5 1 0 # (5 5 1 0 is your code) The relay is being activated for 1 second.
3. CHANGING THE CODE: * OldCode # NewCode # Example: * 5 5 1 0 # 6 6 1 0 # Two short beeps indicate that new user code is written. For opening the door press: 6 6 1 0 # The relay is being activated for 1 second.
Circuit diagram
Sample program :
' ! D E M O P R O G R A M !
' Code is consisted of 4 digits.
' 1 user code is entered in program.
' File:codelcd-D.bas you can download on:
' Code is consisted of 1 to 4 digits.
' 1 user code is entered via keypad.
' File:codelcd.hex you can download on:
' Professional version:
' Code is consisted of 4 to 12 digits.
' File:codelcd6.hex,codelcd40.hex
' 6 or 40 user codes.
' Current in stand-by is 4 mA.
'Project: CodeLockAVR - LCD
' File:codelcd-D.bas
'Copyright: Rudi
'Device: Atmel AVR uC
'Date: 5.2.2005
$regfile = "2313def.dat"
$crystal = 4000000
Dim Keyread As Byte
Dim Key As Byte
Dim Code As Word
Dim Mycode As Word
Dim Digits As Byte
Dim Point As Byte
Ddrd = 255
Portd = 0
Relay Alias Portd.4
Beep Alias Portd.3
Config Kbd = Portb , Debounce = 40
Config Lcd = 16 * 2
'Db4 = Portb.0 , Db5 = Portb.1 , Db6 = Portb.2 , Db7 =
'Enable = Portd.6 , Rs = Portd.5
'Standard LCD 2x16; type:CMC216x01 or sim.;
'pin1: Ground(-)
'pin2: Supply(+)
'pin3: Supply(0V-5V
DC) for LCD Contrast Level
'pin4: RS Signal
'pin5: R/W
'pin6: Enable
'pin7: Db0 (Data
Bus Line)
'pin8: Db1 (Data
Bus Line)
'pin9: Db2 (Data
Bus Line)
'pin10: Db3 (Data Bus Line)
'pin11: Db4 (Data Bus Line)
'pin12: Db5 (Data Bus Line)
'pin13: Db6 (Data Bus Line)
'pin14: Db7 (Data Bus Line)
'pin15: Backlight Ground(-)
'pin16: Backlight Supply(+)
Mycode = 5060
Cursor Off Noblink
Wait 2
Lcd "CodeLockAVRdemo"
Wait 4
Set Beep
Waitms 100
Reset Beep
Waitms 100
Begin: Code = 0 Digits = 0 Point = 0
Lcd " Enter code"
Do Keyread = Getkbd() If Keyread <> 16 Then Gosub Gotkey
Waitms 100
If Digits = 4 Then
If Code = Mycode Then
Goto Opendoor
Goto Error
End If
End If
Ddrb = 255
Set Beep
Waitms 100
Reset Beep
Waitms 100
Key = Lookup(keyread , Dta)
Incr Digits Point = Digits + 6
Locate 2 , Point
Lcd "*" Code = Code * 10 Code = Code + Key
Data 12 , 9 , 6 , 3 , 0 , 8 , 5 , 2 , 11 , 7 , 4 , 1
Lcd " Code wrong"
Waitms 100
Set Beep
Wait 3
Reset Beep
Wait 20
Goto Begin
Waitms 100
Set Beep
Waitms 200
Reset Beep
Waitms 200
Set Beep
Waitms 200
Reset Beep
Lcd " Code accepted"
Gosub Ok
Lcd " Unlocked"
Waitms 300
Set Relay
Wait 1
Reset Relay
Wait 1
Goto Begin